Flat disc-shaped about 1/4 inch long.
Engorged BedBug from recent feeding.
Adult, nymphs, and digested blood meal.
Bed bugs are small, semi-round, nocturnal blood feeders that are attracted to humans because of our warmth and the carbon dioxide we exhale. During the day, bed bugs hide in the nooks and crannies inside beds and box springs or furniture in close proximity. Bed bugs hitch rides on our clothes anywhere we can come into contact with them including staying at a hotel, riding on airplanes, and movies theaters where we unknowingly carry them back to our homes and infestations can take over.
A single breeding of bed bugs can explode to hundreds of feeding bedbugs in only a month. Depending on the severity of the infestation, there are a few treatment options. At Elite Pest Management, we offer a variety of options including local treatments, mattress encapsulation, monitoring, and fumigation.
Prior to having your Bed Bug treatment please follow our instructions on how to prepare as this will affect the efficiency of the treatment.